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Android® App Developer

    Please find below some experimental Apps I developed using App Inventor, Thunkable and Kodular online platforms. These are not all of them. For now, they are only available in Portuguese language, but they can also be produced in other languages.

If you need a specific Android project for yourself, according to your own specifications, just let me know, and we will discuss the details to make your dream come true!

Telephone: (81) 9-9963-5072 (WhatsApp/Telegram)

Title Description Link
Numerologia - v.1.2.1Aplicativo de entretenimento. Digite o nome  completo de uma pessoa e saiba "mais" sobre ela.
TonyConv - v 1.4.0Conversor rápido de algumas unidades e de três
moedas estrangeiras.
TPICalc - v.1.5.0  Aplicativo para cálculo rápido de emolumentos de
traduções juramentadas e envio do cálculo
diretamente pelo WhatsApp.
Showing items (filtered out of a total of items)

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